
5 simple steps to guarantee fast weight loss, according to Sam Wood

There are a number of mistakes people make that prevent them from losing weight but two of the main ones are poor nutrition and failure to change things up. follow these 5 steps to guarantee fast weight loss

F is for frequency

Are you working out enough? This doesn’t mean spending hours in the gym with every workout. But it does mean moving your body regularly, creating good habits and maintaining positive momentum.

I is for intensity

Do you really get out of your comfort zone when you train? If not, you are really just training your body to stay the same. If it is your goal to stay healthy and maintain the same level of fitness, strength and tone then no problem. However, most people I talk to train for change. This means getting comfortable being uncomfortable.

T is for time

Can you do more? More steps, ten more minutes on the bike or treadmill at the end of each workout, more sets, more reps, more distance… just try and do a little bit more. Again, shocking the body and switching things up.

T is for type

What type of exercise are you doing? Is it what you’ve always been doing? Is it truly in line with the change or results you are trying to achieve? Only you can answer these questions but remember this: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”. It might be time to change the type of exercise you are doing.

N is for nutrition

This is going to sound extreme, but FITT doesn’t mean anything if you are neglecting nutrition.

Focus on eating real food in sensible portion sizes and staying hydrated. If you do this, you will fuel your body to perform and transform. Lots of people are too repetitive with their training and they focus on volume without recognising the importance of variety and intensity. Remember, if nothing changes, nothing changes.