Food & RecipesDrinks

Time for tea? Eight reasons to put the kettle on

Health Benefits of Tea

With warnings the scorching summer could stretch into October in many parts of the world, hydration has become a hot health topic. And the latest research reveals there is a simple way to maintain fluid levels which also reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other serious health problems.

Tea is enjoyed in most parts of the world now and we have variety of Tea’s available in market from green tea, herbal tea, white tea etc. Tea is also available in the form of Tablet and sprays.

Tea can help you Detox and Rejevunate

Lets discuss few of the health benefits of Tea.

  1. Green tea help you Detox and weight management
  2. Ginger Tea is good immunity booster and keeps you warm in winter
  3. Regular tea keeps you active and creative
  4. Lemon Honey tea is good for digestion
  5. Masala tea enhances your mood
  6. Darjeling tea is aromatic and soothing
  7. Tea calms your senses
  8. Hot tea is best social family drink in India
  9. The most economic and friendly drink enjoyed all over the world

Related : Never MIss your green tea again