
why some of us need more coffee than others

  • Some of us need more coffee than others
  • Caffeine is hard to metabolise when there are changes in  PDSS2 
  • Few people drink more coffee because their PDSS2 variation is less
how much coffee do you need ?

New research has found people with a certain variation of a gene don’t need to consume as much coffee to get a caffeine hit – quelling their urge for more.

The gene in question is called PDSS2 – and the variation reduces the body’s ability to break down caffeine – causing it stay in a person’s system for longer.

Those without the variation metabolise caffeine more quickly and as a result, are more likely to have an extra cup each day.

green coffee

People without a variation in their PDSS2 gene are more likely to have an extra cup of coffee each day, researchers found

Researchers  studied the DNA of around 3,000 coffee drinkers in the Netherlands and Italy.

Participants were asked to complete a survey about how many cups of the hot drink they had each day.

They found Italian people with the DNA variation tended, on average, to consume one less cup of coffee a day than those without it.

However the DNA difference affected the drinking habits of adults from the Netherlands slightly less.

Experts believe this could be because of the different styles of coffee that are drunk in the two countries.

The genetic variation makes it harder for the body to break caffeine down. This means people with the DNA twist don't need to consume as much coffee to get a kick, experts say

The genetic variation makes it harder for the body to break caffeine down. This means people with the DNA twist don’t need to consume as much coffee to get a kick, experts say

In Italy, people tend to drink smaller cups such as espresso, whereas in the Netherlands the preference is towards larger cups that contain more caffeine overall.

Consumption changes as geography changes

Coming to India and sub continents people prefer Tea over coffee, however if you go towards south people love to drink filter coffee.

There is no research done yet on why south Indians prefer coffee and Tea is preferred in north India. but very soon we will have the reason behind the same.

Some people prefer black coffee over coffee with milk and if coffee is not strong enough they dont get the kick. all is in genetics.

healthy tea

we have also noticed that people drinking tea for entire life suddenly switch to coffee and they stay with coffee. May be they like the taste or they feel more rich when they drink coffee compare to tea.

Cofee or Tea when taken in moderate amount has lot of health benefits. 

Coffee without sugar tastes bitter but health wise its good. Sugar depletes most of the benefits. but once you are habituated having coffee without sugar you will love it.

So next time when you head for Starbucks or coffee day blame it to your genes and enjoy your cup of coffee.

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How daily cups of tea can shield you from dementia